Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Engen Guinea-Bissau harasses employees

A trade union was created to fight against the way Engen Guinea-Bissau mistreats its employees.The main issues were about a salary survey that was supposed to be conducted by the company.Mr.Badarou ordered a customized survey from an audit firm.The trade union tried to have more information but the resultat the suspension of the trade union president.The president has been working in that company for almost 2 years and has never received any blame.The new financial director started on the 18th March and he is a former auditor of the firm.He blamed the president of the trade union of not respecting the procedures and not doing his work while no employee has ever received any information on Engen HR procedures.Another thing is that the current director of Engen Guinea Bissau has forbidden the local from writing to any other Engen international staff without his approval.
What has really caused the suspension of the president of the trade union just 4 months after the creation of the organization and his appointment at its head?
Is Engen not interested in listening to their employees´ concerns?
What is the future of Engen Guinea-Bissau?
No matter the answers to these questions,the population of Guinea-Bissau now sees the other side of the Engen coin.