Sunday, 18 December 2011

Mr Badarou arrested

Mr Badarou was arrested on Friday 2nd December 2011. According to witnesses the event was violent as he was trying to resist arrest.He was later released on bail.More information soon.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Embarrassing story for M. Aminou Abache

The following story shows that morality is something some employees of Engen do not know about. This time is about Mr aminou Abache.
I was told this story by a a person very close to the people involved.
Mr Aminou Abache used to have paid sexual intercourse with a young lady. However Mr. Abache does not like paying for the services provided. Since he was a regular, the lady thought there was not need to keep fighting and that on e day he would end up paying. Unfortunately, Mr Abache kept using the services without paying and she started demanding for payment .She then noticed that Mr Abache started loosing interest in her (he probably found another supplier).Anytime she tried to call him, he was either out of the office, or at home, or busy, sometimes he would not even answer the calls. She then decided to hide close to the office and wait for him. Immediately she saw him she rushed to him, started shouting and calling him names. She said: So this is the way you are. You do the thing and when it is time to pay you don’t want to. Pay me today or it is the police that will settle the issue,”tarpaceiro”(in criolo crook).There were a lot of bystanders watching. She later said that Mr Abache had ended up paring and that the issue was settled.
Some would say that this is private business but it has spilled over and brought out to the public. Companies nowadays make efforts to improve their image sometimes through the behaviour of their employees; the executives of Engen Guiné-Bissau are offering free shows on their private lives.