Thursday, 9 December 2010

What happened with the USD50, 000.00?

More on mismanagement in Engen Guinea-Bissau.
Mr Bastou Badarou has taken USD50, 000.00 some weeks ago coming from the sale of oil products and by doing so he has broken all the rules and procedures. He has not until now refunded the company and Mr Aminou Abache is aware of the situation. However it seems that Engen is not worried about all as this is closing its eyes on actions of those 2 gentlemen.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

War between Mr Badarou and Mr Handem

Everybody knows that the atmosphere at Engen was bad but very few expected to see a misunderstanding between Mr Bastou Badarou, Director General of Engen and Mr Carlos Handem, in charge of logistics and security of the company.
Everything started in September 2010 when Mr Badarou took the decision to outsource the logistics aspect of the company, a decision that did not please Mr Handem. The problem was that what used to happen before was that Mr Handem would contact lorry drivers of his choice anytime there was a need to supply clients. Mr Badarou was aware of this and also of the fact that Mr Handem used to receive rewards from some of the lorry drivers he awarded contracts to.Then Mr Badarou suddenly decided to give entrust the logistics aspect of the company to Carsilva. Another issue was that Mr Handem was very strict on security measures because some of the vehicles he was supposed to inspect did not fulfil all the requirements. However did Mr Badarou act now? Is it to punish Mr Handem?Or does he wants the benefits just for himself?
Everything is possible. When Mr Handem heard about the decision he had a serious argument with Mr Badarou who threatened to dismiss him. It seems that there is a leadership problem at Engen Guinea Bissau as many of the staff could not understand that somebody who just entered the company could become the Director General and this is something that may destroy Engen from within.

To my readers

I am sorry for not updating the blog more often.I have very busy with the elections in Guinea.I was moved by the warm welcome and the frienship of the people.Their courage and dignity in the face violence were a lesson I will always remember.
I would like to thank Aissatou Barry,Mamadu Bangoura,Alpha Oumar Diallo,Rokiatou Diabaté,Ibrahima Sory Camara,Ousseny Kanté,Abdoulaye Sylla and all the people who contributed to the success of my mission there.I would also like to thank the goverment of the Republic of Guinea-Conakry.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Fraud at Engen GB

1-A false bill of over 1 million francs cfa was issued in the name of M.Michel Yao as a commission for facilitating the purchase of about 2000t of diesel from the japanese gift to State of Guinea Bissau.
2-Mr Michel Yao was the head of the Shell petrol station in Bairro Ajuda before it was sold to Petrodis. Since then he has been to the of the Total Airport petrol station now Engen Airport Round-about ..He has never been a middleman in anything. That was an idea from Mr Bastou Badarou and Mr Aminou Abache to defraud Engen.
3-It seems that some employees informed the headquarters in Cape Town even though those accused denied everything.
4-Mr.Yao since December 2009,has been arrested, tortured for more than 10 days and sacked following accusations by Mr Sertorio Bioty, manager of the Engen Airport Round-about station.

Is it just a coincidence that the person whose name was quoted in the Japanese gift issue is discreditedin that way?

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Are the 2009 results credible?

The results of a company are very important as they allow to measures performances and therefore plan for the future.
However the case of Engen GB might be different Mr Badarou has put in place a powerful corruption system and he will do his best to hide that to the board.
The first step was to hire Mr Aminou Abaché who was working for the “Ernst and Young” Racine audit cabinet in Dakar.
Mr Abaché came at least 3 consecutive years to Bissau to audit “Total Guiné Bissau” as team leader .He was in very good terms the then head of Finance, Mr Badarou If there had been an “ethics committee” in Engen like there had been in “Total” those details would have drawn their attention. Mr Abaché has kept good contacts with his former co-workers at the audit cabinet and he sometimes asks them for advice on some difficult operations.
In Jan 2010, all employees were shocked to hear that at team from Mr Abaché former office came to audit Engen GB In the office, the atmosphere looked more like a get together party than an audit mission.
During the mission the team leader used to travel often between Bissau and Dakar. The other members ( 2 women) were probably not experienced enough to match the skills of former team leader (Mr Abaché).
What everybody can see is that sales are going down and Engen is obliged to do some promotion to attract more customers (dec 09-Mar 2010).
The leaders at Engen still do not see anything but one day they will be forced to.